Monday, July 13, 2009

NH Governor John Lynch Looking out for Massachusetts Taxpayers!

Massachusetts taxpayers can all extend a warm thanks to Governor John Lynch of New Hampshire for looking out for them last week when he signed a bill into law that according to the Boston Herald, “shields Granite State retailers from having to collect and share information about purchases made by out-of-staters with the tax collectors from those states.”

It’s a good thing New Hampshire’s Governor is mindful of the burden Massachusetts taxpayers are facing, since Governor Patrick seems to be anxious to continue his tax and spend ways. As if a sales tax hike of 25% wasn’t bad enough, the Governor is still mulling a gas tax and a graduated income tax.

Governor Patrick just doesn’t get it. He continues to be oblivious to the everyday struggles of families and small businesses around the Commonwealth. Governor Patrick, his administration and the Democratic controlled Legislature are making Massachusetts a less attractive place to start a new business and to raise a family.