Tuesday, February 16, 2010

There he goes again!

Governor Patrick is at it again today – looking to spend even more taxpayer money during the worst economic times since the Great Depression. As you probably read last week, the Governor wants to explore the idea of doing open road tolling on Massachusetts roads. Though Governor Patrick said the idea of electronic tolling was in a very early vetting stage, it appears as the Governor has kicked up the toll talk in recent days. In fact, according to the Boston Herald, the Governor is looking to hire a Deputy Director of Statewide Tolling and get this, that person would make $102,000 a year! What part of recession does Governor Patrick not understand?

This person would be charged with “studying several electronic systems that would get rid of toll plazas and install sensors to toll motorists as they drive at highway speeds. They’ll also explore other changes such as getting rid of the paper tickets used on the Pike.”

So, in addition to paying this person a ridiculous amount of money, the plan is also a bit “Big Brother” if you ask us. The people of Massachusetts have little to no trust in state government and since Governor Patrick’s track record as a public servant is sub-par, we’re not sure the people of Massachusetts would welcome this tolling concept.

Governor Patrick claims he has no one in mind for this job just yet but since it is only open to state employees, one can’t help but wonder when the announcement that Marian Walsh will be the new Deputy Director of Statewide Tolling will happen!