Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hardship Listening Tour to Make a Stop in Dartmouth

Republican lawmakers recently announced the schedule for their Hardship Listening Tour. Due to tremendous response, Republicans have been asked to host a forum on the South Coast.

The additional stop will take place on March 21st at the Dartmouth Town Hall from 1-4pm. The listening tour is a statewide effort to give constituents an opportunity to voice concerns about the proposed gas tax increase, toll hikes and the litany of other proposed tax and fee increases.

The tour, which will kick off on March 16th will now make stops in six areas of the Commonwealth in order to give taxpayers all over the state a chance to make it to one of the open forums.

The schedule for the listening tour is as follows:

1) March 16th- Auburn Town Hall 7-9pm
Sponsored by Representatives Paul Frost, George Peterson, Karyn Polito and Lew Evangelidis

2) March 16th- Human Services Building in Sandwich 7-9pm
Sponsored by Representatives Jeff Perry, Susan Gifford and Vinny deMacedo

3) March 16th- Attleboro City Hall 7-9pm
Sponsored by Representatives Elizabeth Poirier, Richard Ross, Jay Barrows and Senator Scott Brown

4) March 18th- Middleton Flint Library 7-9pm
Sponsored by Representatives Brad Jones and Brad Hill and Senators Richard Tisei and Bruce Tarr

5) March 21st- Dartmouth Town Hall 1-4pm
Sponsored by Representatives Brad Jones, George Peterson and Daniel Webster

6) March 24th- Westfield Athenaeum 6-7:30pm
Sponsored by Representatives Donald Humason and Todd Smola and Senator Michael Knapik

For more information on the Hardship Listening Tour, please contact your local Republican lawmaker.