Thursday, November 15, 2012

House Minority Leader’s Statement on the Fourth Consecutive Month of Increased Unemployment in Massachusetts

House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading) issued the following statement today in response to the Commonwealth’s unemployment rate rising for the fourth consecutive month:

"I am deeply troubled that the residents and small business owners in Massachusetts are faced with the fourth consecutive month of rising unemployment. This news, coupled with the fact that September’s job numbers were revised downward by 2,400, serves as a stark reminder that our focus on Beacon Hill needs to be on turning around the Commonwealth’s economic climate.

It is my sincere hope that when the Legislature reconvenes in January one of our first orders of business is getting Massachusetts’ residents and small businesses on solid ground. House Democrats cannot continue to defer targeted measures at eradicating high unemployment until the very last minute, as was the case this session.

Furthermore, with the ongoing dialogue within the Patrick administration being the need for a crippling statewide tax increase, I would encourage the Governor to think twice about those plans as any tax hike would further diminish the Bay State’s opportunity for any sort of sustainable economic recovery."