Friday, May 15, 2009

Globe Recognizes GOP's Reform Efforts

The Boston Globe's Scott Lehigh today recognized the efforts of GOP lawmakers to make serious cost saving reforms this budget season.

Unfortunately, budget debate wrapped up in the House on May 1st with the final version containing very few of our reform measures. We offered a number of the amendments being praised by Lehigh today in the Globe, but they were overwhelmingly rejected by the Democratic-controlled House.

Hopefully, these measures will be adopted when the Senate takes up its budget next week. If so, the Conference Committee will have a real opportunity to prove to the people of the Commonwealth that Beacon Hill gets it. Families and businesses all over the state are making tough choices. They are cutting back on spending, doing more with less and are now being asked to pay even more. The Legislature needs to do the same and adopting Republican offered amendments is certainly a huge step in the right direction.

Click here to read Lehigh’s piece.