Thursday, April 16, 2009

Amendment Materializes After Listening Tour

The Hardship Listening Tour was enlightening to say the least. Hundreds of Commonwealth citizens came out and voiced their concerns and had extremely useful suggestions and ideas.

In fact, an amendment being filed from the Republican Leadership Office materialized thanks to one of the tour participants. As you may know, military veterans can obtain specialty plates. The idea was devised so that the proceeds of the plate purchases can go to helping the Soldiers’ Homes. However, little does the public know that some of the proceeds have been recently funneled into the general fund, which is certainly not the intended destination.

Unfortunately, currently reservists are not allowed to get the special license plate if they have not served at least one day in wartime. So, the amendment being filed by the Minority Leader will strike the wartime language so reservists who want a license plate have access to that opportunity. Furthermore, the amendment will say that the proceeds cannot be used for allocation in the general fund and all money must go to its intended cause.

We have a great appreciation and respect for our state’s veterans as they sacrifice their lives to protect our freedom and liberties. The very least we can do is allow all veterans an opportunity to purchase a specialty plate. They’ve earned it!

If you have any legislative ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We are always open for ideas and suggestions.