In carrying out its mission, the commission will explore the
constitutionality and practicality of subjecting all three branches of state
government – the Legislature, the executive branch, and the judiciary – to the
public records law. It will also study
ways to improve the use of information technology and other means to ensure
that the public has access to information about the legislative process,
including public hearing agendas, public testimony, committee votes and roll
call votes recorded in the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Muratore is one of 14 legislators serving on the special
commission, which was created as part of the comprehensive public records law
overhaul signed by Governor Charlie Baker on June 6, 2016. A member of the Joint Committee on State
Administration and Regulatory Oversight, which drafted an earlier version of
the public records law reform bill, Muratore also served on the conference
committee that produced the final bill, which constituted the first significant
changes to the Massachusetts public records law in more than 40 years.
“Representative Muratore has a strong understanding of the
public records law, and this knowledge will serve him well as he works with the
other commission members to determine how to create more openness and
transparency throughout state government,” said Representative Jones.
The commission is schedule to file a report, along with any
recommendations for legislation or changes to existing legislative rules, by
December 30, 2017.
Representative Muratore represents
the First Plymouth District, which
consists of Precincts 2 through 8, 10, 12, 14 and 15 in the town of Plymouth. A former Plymouth Selectman, he was first
elected to the Legislature in November of 2014.