Tuesday, July 10, 2012

House Minority Leader’s Statement on Massachusetts Ranking 28th in CNBC Survey of “Top States for Business”

House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading) issued the following statement today in response to Massachusetts falling 22 spots to place 28th in CNBC’s survey of “Top States for Business”:

“In light of Massachusetts’ rank as 28th in a CNBC survey of “Top States for Business”, the Governor’s mantra of “faster, stronger” obviously isn’t helping us any. Those are just words. Words won’t get the residents of Massachusetts back to work.

As if the news couldn’t get any worse for Massachusetts residents, CNBC ranks the Commonwealth 49th in cost of business, ahead of only Hawaii. These latest numbers are egregious. The residents of Massachusetts deserve better.

If past is precedent, the Governor will try to discredit the validity of this survey. However, in his Fiscal Year 2013 budget brief highlighting the Commonwealth’s need to stimulate job creation, Governor Patrick touted Massachusetts’ 6th place ranking in the very same survey published one year ago.

Massachusetts needs leaders ready to fix the skyrocketing cost of doing business which is stifling job creation and deterring entrepreneurs and businesses alike. House and Senate Republicans filed a comprehensive jobs bill months ago to make Massachusetts competitive. We can no longer afford to accept excuses from Governor Patrick when it comes to jobs and job creation. Massachusetts needs jobs now.”
