Friday, September 9, 2011

House Minority Leader’s Statement on the Sentencing of Former Speaker Sal DiMasi

House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. issued the following statement today in response to the sentencing of Former Speaker Sal DiMasi:

“Today is yet another dark day for politics in Massachusetts. With Sal DiMasi now the third Speaker of the House in a row to be convicted in a federal court, the taxpayers of the Commonwealth can see just how deeply a culture of corruption has been cultivated on Beacon Hill.

Perhaps our greatest cause for concern is adequately captured by Judge Mark Wolf when he noted that, inexplicably, certain individuals both on Beacon Hill and around the Commonwealth remain steadfast that Sal DiMasi has done nothing wrong.

The public’s trust in their elected officials has been, and continues to be, put to the test. It is my hope that today’s sentencing marks the beginning of the end. No longer will corruption and public mistrust have a home in the State House.”
